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Storm Day : August, 4th

Hello friends,

How are you today?

Tropical Storm Isaias battered New York City with a lot of wind and rain. We saw a mattress fly away, so strong was the wind. Since we´re stuck indoors, I decided it was time to open the Adam new gift: Electronics Lab by Buki France, 6 circuits with real components. We learnt how to install a battery, a switch and a loud speaker. Next time, we will learn about : integrated circuits, terminals, electrical components, and how create an alarm, an organ, a siren, sound effects, a fire brand and a radio.

And since it´s always important to know more about electricity and electronics, this is a family activity. And it was a very good family time together. We need to learn more to become perfect sailors. And it's great to be able to do it as a family. We love to learn and especially together

We will soon need a new activity to learn more about electronics... If you have any suggestions, leave us a comment, we love them.


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